Trends Report

Event Marketing Giveaways That Work

Evaluating What Makes Effective Swag

March 18th, 2013
Zachary Reiss-Davis, null
Zachary Reiss-Davis
With contributors:
Lori Wizdo , Bradford Holmes , Michael Shrum


New social and digital marketing tactics receive attention from B2B marketers seeking the "next big thing," and virtual events continue to gain popularity, but traditional events remain very influential with your customers. B2B marketers should strive for excellence in every area of their marketing execution, especially as their CFO looks for a clear return from your marketing spending. This report zeros in on helping you ensure that the swag, tchotchkes, or giveaways you design and fund for in-person events and trade shows have a positive and lasting impact on your event attendees, setting you up to be remembered favorably when your sales and marketing teams follow up.

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