Trends Report

Fast-Tracking EA Renewal

Building An EA Program For "Dummies"

February 16th, 2011
Henry Peyret, null
Henry Peyret
With contributors:
Alex Cullen , Mackenzie Cahill


As businesses begin to look past the economic downturn, they are executing strategies that require a changed IT mission and plan. This in turn is changing the needs and expectations the EA function should address. EA leaders should rapidly re-assess their existing programs to address these new needs. While EA executives' traditional response is a somewhat leisurely assessment with extensive data gathering, workshops, and planning activities, in many organizations the time this takes is a luxury they can't afford. An alternative is a "fast-track" process that starts with the organization's IT archetype, aligns the EA archetype with the IT archetype, and then derives the appropriate EA deliverables, operating model, and success measures from this archetype. This fast-track development process can produce the core of your strategy in as little as two hours.

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