Best Practice Report

Five Essential Best Practices For The IT-To-BT Transformation

CIOs Must Prepare IT For Its Future Role As BT Enabler

May 13th, 2008
Alexander Peters, Ph.D., null
Alexander Peters, Ph.D.
With contributors:
Craig Symons , Alex Cullen


Each wave of technology change challenges IT's management practices. Two forces coming together will frame IT's next set of challenges: ubiquitous computing and business technology (BT). Each will affect the CIO's organization differently, but the end result must be the transformation from an IT-centric view of technology to a BT-centric one. Five complementary best practices guide IT executives through the IT-to-BT transformation: 1) make IT-as-a-service your strategy; 2) architect IT governance as a process-of-processes; 3) consolidate and simplify organization around the services model; 4) use Lean methodologies to change the workaround culture; and 5) measure your performance in business-relevant terms. Individually, none of these practices are new or innovative, but the difference comes when IT executives orchestrate them together — filling the gap between aspiration and action. 

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