Forecast Report

Forrester Data: Mobile And Tablet Commerce Forecast, 2016 To 2021 (US)

ForecastView Spreadsheet

October 7th, 2016
Susan Wu, null
Susan Wu


2015 was a pivotal year for mobile commerce in the US. Smartphones are clearly driving the growth, while tablets are stagnating. Roughly 85% of the American online population owns a smartphone, and about two-fifths owns a tablet (Source: Forrester Data Mobile, Smartphone, And Tablet Forecast, 2016 To 2021 [Global]). This forecast illustrates the size of the US mobile and tablet commerce landscape from 2010 until 2021, detailing the growth across retail categories. It captures spending through smartphones and tablets separately and provides a detailed 26-product category breakout on an aggregated mobile and tablet level.

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