Forecast Report

Forrester Research Mobile Application Spending Forecast, 2014 To 2019 (US)

ForecastView Spreadsheet

February 2nd, 2015


US mobile app downloads represented 17% of the global total in 2014, and revenue from US app downloads and in-app purchases accounted for 20% of all worldwide spending, at $6 billion. As the largest global market for mobile apps, the US will have a large impact on the mobile application ecosystem for years to come. The strong presence of Apple smartphones and tablets in the US relative to Android and other OS devices has a strong effect on app revenue, as Apple users tend to download more apps and spend more per application on in-app purchases than users of other devices. While increasing ownership rates of smartphone and tablet devices will drive much of the growth in app downloads and spending, the average number of app downloads per device will also increase at an average annual rate of 5% through 2019. The forecast breaks out smartphone and tablet app users by those who use apps, download free apps, and download paid apps at least monthly, as well as monthly smartphone and tablet app users, across 23 categories of mobile applications.

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