Forecast Report

Forrester Research API Management Solutions Forecast, 2015 To 2020 (US)

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Michael Yamnitsky
Randy Heffner
 and  two contributors
Feb 10, 2016


Today's customer-centric, software-powered businesses thrive on connectivity, and connectivity thrives on application programming interfaces (APIs). Mobile apps for customer engagement need APIs to link to enterprise data and transactions. Across a firm's customer experience ecosystem, APIs allow a combination of internal and third-party players to deliver seamless customer value. Whether the need is process optimization, new revenue streams, Internet of Things (IoT), predictive analytics, or something else, APIs facilitate the exchange of diverse information and business process flows within and between organizations. API management solutions have emerged to help organizations implement, secure, and manage their growing use of APIs. This report, originally published in April 2015, provides an industry overview and detailed analysis of the US API management solutions market, which we expect to quadruple in annual spending by the end of the decade.

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