Best Practice Report

Forrester's Customer Service Innovation Framework And Self-Assessment

Use Our Assessment To Improve The Customer Experience And Get Quick Wins

January 13th, 2009
Natalie Petouhoff, Ph.D.
With contributors:
Sharyn Leaver , William Band , Chip Gliedman


Customer service disappointments are often a result of poor strategy. Forrester's Customer Service Innovation Framework provides you with 150 best practice capabilities — organized into six categories — that drive customer retention, loyalty, reduced costs, and increased revenue. The self-assessment tool allows you to compare your company against best practices and identify which initiatives are mission critical. Both this document and the self-assessment tool will help you to gain executive buy-in, build stakeholder consensus, hire better agents, and select the right technologies for loyalty creating customer experiences.

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Forrester helps business and technology leaders use customer obsession to accelerate growth. That means empowering you to put the customer at the center of everything you do: your leadership strategy, and operations. Becoming a customer-obsessed organization requires change — it requires being bold. We give business and technology leaders the confidence to put bold into action, shaping and guiding how to navigate today's unprecedented change in order to succeed.