Decision Tool

Forrester's Mobile Application Development Assessment Tool

Evaluate Your Mobile Application Readiness

May 28th, 2013
Michael Facemire, null
Michael Facemire
With contributors:
Shannon Coyne , Phil Murphy , Jeffrey Hammond


Forrester recommends using this mobile application development maturity assessment tool to help you evaluate an organization's readiness for mobile app development. The questions will focus on the five primary areas affected by mobile development: 1) software development methodologies; 2) infrastructure; 3) design; 4) development; and 5) test. After you complete this assessment, the results will be graphically displayed in the results tab. A score of 3 or less in any area suggests a competency gap in that area that you should address before engaging in a mobile development project. Use the associated report, "Mobile Development — Smooth Sailing Or Titanic Voyage?" for direction on filling in these individual gaps.

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