Best Practice Report

Forrester's Technology Investment Matrix Clarifies Technology Risk Issues And Strategies

June 3rd, 2010
Chip Gliedman, null
Chip Gliedman
With contributors:
Jon Erickson , Sharyn Leaver , Craig Symons , Varun Sedov


Risk, as it pertains to technology development and operations, comes in many guises and requires different mitigation strategies. Unfortunately, many organizations apply a set of imprecise, qualitative tools with a broad brush, leading to imperfect and inadequate measurement and management of technology risks. You can use Forrester's Technology Investment Matrix to better relate the role of any technology investment to the business processes it supports. Use of the matrix leads to a better appreciation of key risk issues and risk management strategies. As an investment moves across one dimension of the matrix, specific risks change, and risk mitigation strategies must likewise adapt.

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