Trends Report

Forrsights: Business Execs Increase Direct IT Spend To Support Systems Of Engagement

Our Q4 2011 Business Decision-Makers Survey Shows CIOs Under Pressure

May 16th, 2012
John McCarthy, null
John McCarthy
With contributors:
Ted Schadler , Christopher Mines , Michael Yamnitsky , Sarah Musto


During October and November of 2011, Forrester surveyed 3,534 business decision-makers in North American and European enterprises regarding their business priorities (and views of IT priorities), spending, and suppliers. We conducted the survey concurrently with our IT budget survey; in a number of cases, we can directly compare the two sets of responses (business execs versus IT execs) to identical questions. We can now illuminate for CIOs how business views its technology initiatives and thinking in comparison with IT's perspectives on the same agenda. This report also highlights the areas where the business sees IT's capabilities as falling short in terms of their need to innovate.

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