Data Overview Report

Forrsights: The Macro Trends Shaping The Tech Industry This Decade

Emerging Opportunities And Imperatives For An IT Industry In Transformation

November 28th, 2011
Christopher Mines, null
Christopher Mines
With contributors:
Daniel Krauss , Jamie Warner , Reedwan Iqbal


Rather than quietly maturing into middle age as it enters its seventh decade, the information and communications technology (ICT) industry is continuing to evolve rapidly. The ICT landscape is roiled by changes from three sources: social and economic trends, technology advances, and new buying dynamics. Forrester regularly surveys three critical buying constituencies — IT execs, business execs, and information workers — to understand their ICT priorities, budgets, and adoption patterns. This report summarizes the sources of growth, new opportunities, and disruption that will shape the ICT industry in the years ahead.

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