Trends Report

Free Muni Wireless Noses Into The Broadband Market

Ad-Supported Muni Wireless Will Find Its Niche With Consumers

January 11th, 2007
Sally Cohen
Charles Golvin, null
Charles Golvin
With contributors:
Heidi Shey , Ellen Daley


Nearly 300 towns, cities, and counties across the US are actively deploying wireless networks or hotspots for consumer and residential use, although consumers have not flocked to these networks. Free, ad-supported service has started to gain footing as wireless Internet service providers (WISPs) like MetroFi and content owners like Google expand their service to cities like Portland, Ore. and Aurora, Ill. Incumbent broadband ISPs including cable and telephone companies will have to reconsider the way they compete in markets where these ad-supported networks find their niche.

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