Trends Report

Game On: Education Product Strategists Embrace Gamification

Classroom Technology Enables New Product Innovation

January 26th, 2012
Sarah Rotman Epps, null
Sarah Rotman Epps
With contributors:
J. P. Gownder , Annie E. Corbett , Andia Vokshi , Amelia Martland


"Gamification" is a hot topic in product strategy, especially in US K-12 education. Product strategists in education are helping their customers achieve teaching and learning goals by developing playful products that integrate with existing standards, curricula, and classroom technology. While games are not the solution to all the problems of the US education system, they are a useful tool for reaching a generation that spends hours on game consoles and portable game players. Successful product strategies will employ teacher communities for product innovation, as product adoption hinges on teachers' buy-in and support.

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