Case Study

How Carphone Warehouse Uses Twitter And Social Media To Transform Customer Service

January 26th, 2010
Natalie Petouhoff, Ph.D.
With contributor:
Connie Moore


The Carphone Warehouse (CPW) is Europe's leading independent retailer of mobile phones and services, with more than 2,400 stores in nine countries. Because CPW's customers posted comments about service issues on Twitter, blogs, and e-review sites, CPW was faced with the decision of whether to enter the social media world. After deliberation, CPW customer service professionals decided to publicly acknowledge customer complaints in the cloud. Their strategy was to take a brave stance and change customer/company interactions by harnessing the power of social media to say "I'm sorry." CPW found that Twitter offers a new opportunity to truly listen and engage in customer conversations, address customer complaints and feedback more quickly, and proactively provide information to customers, as well as positively influence customer's opinions.

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