Trends Report

How Do Teens Use Social Media?

North American Consumer Technographics®

July 21st, 2014
Gina Fleming, null
Gina Fleming
Nate Elliott, null
Nate Elliott
With contributors:
Reineke Reitsma , Andrea Mitchell , Ryan Morrill


use social media on a regular basis. The majority of young consumers ages 12 to 17 connect with their friends on social networks every day. They start using social media at a young age and continue to ramp up their usage as they get older. But even when they're still young enough to rely on their parents to make purchases, they're already using social media — not only to connect with friends but also to discover and explore new brands, products, and services. This report examines the social media behaviors of US online youth and shows marketers how they like to interact with brands on various social platforms.

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