Trends Report

How Dutch Banking Customers Use Different Channels

February 18th, 2009
Alexander Hesse
With contributors:
Benjamin Ensor , Courtney Tincher , Vanessa Niemeyer, Ph.D.


The Netherlands is the leader in online banking and ATM use in Europe. A whopping 95% of Dutch consumers use ATMs, and 78% use online banking at least monthly. Although no more than 14% use branches today, the long decline in branch use has stalled. With few customers using telephone banking and mobile banking having yet to take off, online banking is the dominant banking channel in the Netherlands. About two-thirds of Dutch consumers rely on just the Internet and ATMs today, and online banking is even the leading channel among Seniors. With few branch customer contacts, Dutch banking eBusiness and channel strategy executives need to develop online banking as a marketing and sales channel.

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