Trends Report

How German Banking Customers Use Different Channels, 2011

September 30th, 2011
Vanessa Niemeyer, Ph.D., null
Vanessa Niemeyer, Ph.D.
With contributors:
Benjamin Ensor , Sabine Poltermann , Amelia Martland , Myriam Da Costa


In Germany, as many consumers now bank online as in the branch. Younger, better-educated customers with higher incomes are migrating to the Internet and the mobile channel. While the Web is becoming the hub of the customer relationship and mobile banking is growing quickly, the branch is heading toward an identity crisis. As customers adopt a growing number of touchpoints and increasingly expect banks to support them across channels, multichannel sales and service will become ever more critical. eBusiness and channel strategy executives at Germany's banks need to use channel integration to drive online sales, reconnect with their customers in branches, and start making much more serious investments in mobile banking.

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