Trends Report

How Listening Informs Campaign Management

July 28th, 2011
Robert Brosnan, null
Robert Brosnan
Zach Hofer-Shall, null
Zach Hofer-Shall
With contributors:
Dave Frankland , Caitlin Souther , Suresh Vittal , Molly Murphy


With customer communication channels growing at an exponential pace, brands must adapt their marketing campaigns to provide messages that are more customer-relevant and that differentiate their products and services from those of their competitors. The key to better campaigns comes from the information that customers share throughout these fragmented online channels. Customer Intelligence (CI) professionals must understand social data and incorporate it into their marketing programs. Once a novelty, listening is now a vital technique for engaging customers and challenging competitors. Customer Intelligence professionals need to leverage listening to enhance the campaign management process through targeting, message testing, execution, and measurement.

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