Trends Report

How Satisfied Are Shoppers When Moving Across Channels?

December 16th, 2008
Adele Sage, null
Adele Sage
With contributors:
William Chu , Moira Dorsey , Angela Beckers , Elizabeth Boehm


In Forrester's 2007 Customer Experience Index, retailers nabbed four of the top five slots. But are all retail experiences created equal? Not exactly. In the categories of apparel, wireless products, consumer electronics, personal computers, and large appliances, consumers report lower satisfaction with cross-channel shopping experiences than with buying in a single channel. Satisfaction varies across product categories and generations, with younger consumers generally less satisfied with their Web-to-store transitions. Customer experience professionals should improve cross-channel experiences by using Forrester's expert review methodology to evaluate the experiences they currently deliver and then design experiences that support the target user goals that are most critical to supporting business objectives.

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