Trends Report

How Satisfied Are Swedish Consumers With Online Customer Experiences?

May 27th, 2009
Jonathan Browne, null
Jonathan Browne
With contributors:
Moira Dorsey , Joost van Kruijsdijk , Angela Beckers


We asked more than 500 Swedish consumers how satisfied they were when using top Web sites in Sweden. The majority of consumers were satisfied or very satisfied with their experiences. Blocket achieved the highest satisfaction rates, while eBay trailed. What frustrated Swedish consumers the most? Difficulty finding the products they wanted. A high proportion of Swedish consumers were also frustrated by sites with pages that took a long time to load and sites that lacked sufficient product images. Customer experience professionals need to use appropriate tools — including customer satisfaction surveys on sites, expert reviews, and usability lab testing — to uncover the specific problems that cause dissatisfaction for their users and what they need to do to address them. Collecting "before" and "after" data will help to make the business case for further site improvements.

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