Trends Report

How Social CRM Benefits From Big Data

What Social CRM Means To Customer Intelligence

May 24th, 2011
James Kobielus, null
James Kobielus


Social-sourced customer intelligence is a never-ending gusher. It's also a potential choke point in your social CRM strategy. Considering the scalability requirements, business process professionals who support customer-facing interaction management must begin now to align initiatives with their companies' evolving Big Data strategies. Big Data is an emerging paradigm that focuses on architecting analytic and transactional applications so that they can harness petabytes of complex information flowing in from social media and other new and traditional sources. To align your social CRM and Big Data strategies, leverage the scalability of next-generation enterprise data warehouses (EDWs) and only consider adopting Hadoop and other bleeding-edge approaches if you're comfortable with the risks of moving to this still-immature cloud-based approach.

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