Trends Report

How The Recession Changes Social Behavior

December 9th, 2009
Sean Corcoran, null
Sean Corcoran
With contributors:
Cynthia N. Pflaum , Rebecca Jennings , Emily Bowen


Twenty-two percent of US online adults told us they've upped their usage of social applications and now use tools like reviews, blogs, and social networks more due to the recession. These social recessionistas earn more and are likely to give product advice to others. But they don't need a separate social strategy tailored specifically for them; to capture consumers' attention now, you'll need to show them how they can rely on your brand online. For example, provide places for them to support each other or encourage fans to genuinely voice your product's value for you. As companies refine their marketing strategies, people's brand perceptions will change — redefining the value companies need to offer and the role they play among their audiences online and offline.

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