Trends Report

How To Deliver Measurable Value From Your Sales Kickoff

Start With The Problem Your Kickoff Is Designed To Address

April 25th, 2012
Brian Lambert, null
Brian Lambert
With contributors:
Bradford Holmes , Daniel Feldman


Sales enablement professionals, hard at work wrestling down the random acts of sales support, are finding their sales kickoff is under the scrutiny of the CEO. The question is this: If you're in charge of your sales kickoff, what do you need to do to justify the expense this year and next? Forrester has researched the patterns that exist in sales kickoff planning and execution and we found an alarming trend. Most sales kickoffs are a mashup of ideas and topics instead of being purpose-built to fit a clear business objective. This report provides a practical approach to planning, executing, and communicating the results of your sales kickoff based on three value patterns that surfaced in our research.

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