Best Practice Report

How To Empower iWorkers With Mobile UC

An Empowered Report: Sourcing Professionals Help Mobility Efforts Through Effective Supplier Due Diligence

October 12th, 2010
Brownlee Thomas, Ph.D., null
Brownlee Thomas, Ph.D.
With contributors:
Christine Ferrusi Ross , Mark Grannan


Firms with distributed operations need to empower remote and traveling information workers (iWorkers) for internal and external communication and collaboration. This includes offering more information users with smartphones, softphone clients, and so on. Unified communications enables unified messaging, IM presence, and IP conferencing capabilities across various hardware and software platforms and also in business applications and processes. Mobile UC extends these capabilities to mobile devices like smartphones. Global sourcing and vendor management (SVM) organizations' top IT priorities include supporting more mobile devices and applications for out-of-office users and implementing or expanding UC and IP videoconferencing. One-size-fits-all approaches to mobility and UC need to be discarded in favor of categorizing users by their job functions in order to deploy UC widely to increasingly mobile workforces without breaking the bank. Successful empowerment of mobile iWorkers will ride on SVM establishing a right-fit — and flexible — mobile UC sourcing strategy.

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