Trends Report

How To Make MDM And SOA Better Together

Use SOA Principles To Simplify MDM Delivery

April 24th, 2008
Larry Fulton
Rob Karel, null
Rob Karel
With contributors:
John Rymer , Norman Nicolson


Master data management (MDM) initiatives seek to deliver a single, trusted version of enterprise data, while service-oriented architecture (SOA) programs try to provide shared business and information services for key business processes. MDM and SOA initiatives in most companies are isolated from one another but may provide their greatest return when connected. The synergies are clear: MDM can ensure that SOA delivers trustworthy information, and SOA can ensure that MDM data can be easily plugged into many business processes. Less clear is how to achieve these synergies. If you are developing a MDM strategy, there are ways to synchronize with your enterprise SOA planning to provide an efficient approach to delivering trusted data throughout your organization.

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