Decision Tool

How To Make Smarter Sales Training Decisions

January 12th, 2012
Brian Lambert, null
Brian Lambert
With contributors:
Bradford Holmes , Daniel Feldman


Making the right sales training decision isn't easy, especially when you have to move quickly to be responsive to the needs of the business. One challenge many sales enablement professionals face is learning from what has worked, and what hasn't. This is especially true in this era of sales training, in which meeting the learning needs of salespeople, the expectations of sales leaders, and the demands of senior leadership multiplies the challenge. This presentation, played back here in an easy-to-use format, provides sales enablement professionals with the insight they need to begin documenting their current sales training decisions and outcomes and building a sales training playbook over time. With your sales training plays documented, you will be able to refine your decision-making process in order to optimize and improve sales training as you go.

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