Trends Report

Ignoring Cloud Risks A Growing Gap Between I&O And The Business

Navigating The Shifts In Computing Infrastructure

March 24th, 2011
James Staten, null
James Staten


Over the past several years, we've seen two key cloud trends in the infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) space: 1) Public cloud adoption rates are highest among "informal buyers" (non-IT employees), and 2) infrastructure and operations professionals, the "formal buyers" of these types of technologies, prefer to build private internal solutions. Informal buyers are drawn to the fast and easy access to low-priced compute power that public clouds offer, slipping these purchases under the I&O radar. But I&O teams fear the public cloud for its immaturity and insecurity and seek to provide an in-house alternative delivering similar values but with proper controls. But for this to succeed, I&O pros must get informal buyers onboard to work with them. Unaddressed, as our survey data shows, these two groups will remain unaligned, threatening the IT-to-BT (business technology) progression for your organization.

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