Trends Report

Inquiry Insights: Business Intelligence, 2008 To H1 2009

The BI Market Is Changing And So Are The Questions

November 5th, 2009
Holger Kisker, Ph.D., null
Holger Kisker, Ph.D.
With contributors:
Jean-Pierre Garbani , Edward Radcliffe , Miroslaw Lisserman


Forrester receives more than 20,000 inquiries every year that reflect the key questions for which vendors and users are seeking answers. In 2008 and the first half of 2009, 632 of these questions were related to the business intelligence (BI) market. Despite the economic situation, interest in BI solutions is strong, as they can provide the tools for success in challenging times. The focus of questions has shifted from vendor strategies in 2008 (the year of IBM's and SAP's mega acquisitions) to market trends and implementation practices in 2009. The analysis provides valuable insights for all BI players in the competitive BI market.

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