Trends Report

Inquiry Insights: Telecom Managed Services, Q2 2008

August 12th, 2008
TJ Keitt, null
TJ Keitt
Henry Dewing, null
Henry Dewing
With contributors:
Madiha Ashour , Ellen Daley


The telecom managed services market is full of activity, with 88% of North American and European firms reporting that they have purchased some type of managed telecom service. Despite the heat in the market, both vendors and buyers are struggling to get a handle on what is happening in this space. An analysis of Forrester's inquiries going back to July 2007 shows that firms want: 1) to gain an understanding of what is happening and what will happen in this market; 2) to know what service providers buyers will turn to; and 3) a level set as to what buyers should expect in terms of cost and capabilities.

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