Trends Report

Inquiry Spotlight: UC IVR And IP Contact Centers, Q2 2009

April 23rd, 2009
Elizabeth Herrell
With contributors:
Alexander Crumb , Christian Kane


The landscape for unified communications (UC), interactive voice response (IVR), and Internet protocol (IP) contact centers is talked about constantly. Forrester answered the inquiries of numerous end users from February 2008 to February 2009 on these three topics alone. There are several vendors in this space with similar products, which leads to questions regarding vendor selection among buyers. Clients should evaluate their requirements, identify differences among various vendor offerings, and decide the value proposition for upgrading their communication infrastructure when making an upgrade decision. The inquiry subjects are far-ranging, covering vendors' qualities; potential market strategies; specifics about UC, IVR technologies/voice portals, and IP contact centers; and the value of moving ahead with these technologies.

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