Trends Report

Integrated Marketing Strategies For Low-Consideration Brands

September 1st, 2009
David Cooperstein, null
David Cooperstein
With contributors:
David Card , Kim Le Quoc , Christine Overby , Brendan McGowan , Josh Bernoff


Consumers' relationships with butter, detergent, or cotton balls are fleeting. But these consumers are engaged in topics like cooking, cleaning, and beauty, which indirectly drive interest in products in low-consideration categories. As social media penetration increases, marketing leaders in charge of brands like Danone, Evian, and Kraft Foods will drive integrated marketing efforts that link social conversations to engaging content to increase preference. To do that, marketers must first listen to their most social consumers and then make the conversation relevant to their brand values, identify how their end users mix media usage, and be prepared to keep the conversation lively.

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