Best Practice Report

Introducing Forrester's Vendor Positioning Review

An Assessment Tool That Helps Develop Compelling Technology Positioning

January 16th, 2008
Norbert Kriebel, null
Norbert Kriebel
With contributors:
Bradford J. Holmes , Daniel Krauss


Technology vendors describe themselves in different ways across multiple channels, but their real position — and value — is defined by the perceptions of decision-makers across customers' and prospects' IT and business organizations. Vendors generate — or lose — this perceived value according to how clearly and tangibly strategists and marketers articulate the business value that their solutions generate. Forrester's new vendor positioning review (VPR) methodology gives vendor strategists a tool for assessing their corporate and product positioning via 14 criteria designed to reflect buyers' needs and business objectives. Strategists should conduct their own VPR analysis of their marketing materials to ensure that their messaging is not just descriptive of their solution but is compelling to the combination of enterprise buyers that they must engage.

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