Best Practice Report

Introducing The Forrester BT Leadership Maturity Model

A Self-Assessment Framework To Focus And Accelerate Your Transformation

February 9th, 2012
Khalid Kark, null
Khalid Kark
Marc Cecere, null
Marc Cecere
Nigel Fenwick, null
Nigel Fenwick
Chip Gliedman, null
Chip Gliedman
Craig Symons, null
Craig Symons
With contributors:
Sharyn Leaver , Lauren Blackburn


Many CIOs struggle to answer two deceptively simple questions: 1) How are we doing, and 2) what should I prioritize? These questions invite a host of complexities, raising questions about the role of technology in the organization, who your peers are, what your technology priorities should be, when to push the envelope, and what to focus on first. For a CIO to move from the traditional "aligned IT" model to an "empowered BT" world, these questions need to be answered clearly and unequivocally. Forrester has developed a best practices maturity model to help you answer these questions. The model enables you to conduct a self-assessment to understand how your organization measures up against best practices and to identify the areas offering the greatest opportunity for improvement.

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