Best Practice Report

Invisible IT: Unplanned, Untracked, And Unmanaged

Governance Practices For Gaining Control

March 22nd, 2007
Craig Symons, null
Craig Symons
With contributors:
Alex Cullen , Lauren Sessions


Most IT organizations are faced with more demand than they can fulfill. This ranges from strategic demand for new projects that drive innovation to tactical demand for tasks like provisioning new users or responding to help desk calls. This supply/demand imbalance is often exacerbated by the invisible IT that consumes resources outside of normal channels. When multiplied across many business units and geographies, it can add up to significant "leakage," leading to missed deadlines and suboptimized use of IT resources. Furthermore, IT itself is often a source of invisible IT as a result of unplanned work. Good IT governance requires putting an end to this invisible IT and gaining control over all IT resource consumption.

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