Trends Report

Involve The Business In Your Telecoms And Mobility Sourcing Road Map

February 10th, 2014
Brownlee Thomas, Ph.D., null
Brownlee Thomas, Ph.D.
With contributors:
Christopher Andrews , Ben Jennings


Enterprise sourcing and vendor management (SVM) executives need to ensure business buy-in for their telecommunications and mobility (T&M) sourcing strategy. The best way to do this is to use input and feedback from business executives who are actively engaged in defining or overseeing the execution of the enterprise's business operational strategy. While technology management groups create their own road maps for T&M implementations and upgrades, these road maps are often insufficient to address the complexities of a business-driven sourcing strategy. This report discusses best practices that incorporate the needs of business professionals and consider IT road maps when developing a new T&M sourcing strategy. It also provides a road map for developing a T&M sourcing strategy that includes a timeline, key milestones, and stakeholder connections.

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