Trends Report

Jam Sessions Unlock Innovation For Product Strategy

An Empowered Report

April 15th, 2011
Doug Williams, null
Doug Williams
With contributors:
J. P. Gownder , Annie E. Corbett


Innovation leaders at IBM developed Jam sessions as a way of empowering employees and connecting contributors across large demographics in order to generate innovative, worldwide collaboration. These three-day "flash communities" allow employees to embrace the concept of open innovation by contributing ideas for new products, services, and business opportunities. Product strategists who are looking to reap the benefits of open innovation must keep in mind that jams are a long-term commitment and not for the faint-hearted. Jams take weeks of preparation, thorough analysis, and continued research and work long after the event closes. Successful jams are worth the time and dedication, as they energize employees, produce exciting new ideas, and can significantly drive new lines of business.

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