Trends Report

Making Sense Of A Chaotic CI Services Landscape

What CI Professionals Need To Know When Evaluating Their Needs And Vendors

November 29th, 2011
Fatemeh Khatibloo, null
Fatemeh Khatibloo
With contributors:
Dave Frankland , Allison Smith


As Customer Intelligence (CI) becomes the nerve center of the organization, the number of vendors touting CI services as part of their offerings is growing. Vendors, from database marketing service providers to agencies and from management consultants to business process outsourcers, all claim to help clients collect, manage, analyze, and/or apply customer data to optimize their marketing programs and business processes. In this fragmented ecosystem, how does a CI professional determine the best providers to work with, for which services, and when? This report helps navigate the changing landscape and provides insight for firms evaluating their needs and options.

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