Trends Report

Market Overview: Enterprise-Class Backup And Recovery Software

November 19th, 2010
Rachel A. Dines, null
Rachel A. Dines
With contributors:
Stephanie Balaouras , Alexander Crumb


Backup is not the sexiest process in infrastructure and operations; it's akin to getting your teeth cleaned: necessary, but often painful. Many enterprises struggle with exponential data growth, shrinking backup windows, and static budgets — which leads to the classic conundrum of how to back up more data in less time with the same amount of money. Selecting the right backup and recovery solution isn't any easier than the process itself. With dozens of providers, a laundry list of technical features, and the constantly changing landscape, it's no wonder that many infrastructure and operations professionals would rather take a trip to the dentist than replace their aging backup infrastructure. This report will outline the key features you should consider when evaluating your next backup and recovery solution, as well as the leading providers in the market for enterprise-class solutions.

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