Your brand is incredibly distributed online today, spread across a wide range of websites, media outlets, search engines, marketplaces, social networks, forums, mobile apps, and online ads — and the list keeps going. Each of these channels provides value but also exposes your organization to greater risk: Individuals can make damaging claims (whether true or not) against your company or disclose proprietary information; hackers and other malicious actors can exploit vulnerabilities to access sensitive data; and third parties can violate license agreements and misuse your brand in more places than you can keep track of. However, just because all these risks exist outside your direct area of control doesn't mean you're powerless. This report outlines how you can include these online sources and their corresponding data as crucial elements of your compliance and risk management programs. This report highlights tools and techniques you can use to monitor your brand effectively, enhance risk intelligence, and put a stop to negative issues before they become full-blown crises.
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