Trends Report

Marketers' Empowered Opportunity

The HERO Index: Finding Empowered Employees

June 25th, 2010
David Cooperstein, null
David Cooperstein


Your customers are more empowered every day. Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter — accessible on smartphones, tablets, and connected TVs — are just the latest in the growing list of technologies that put power into the hands of consumers. Fortunately, some members of your company — and especially the marketing team — are responding by using these same technologies to reach, influence, and serve the needs of these empowered customers. These HEROes — highly empowered and resourceful operatives — are charging ahead with or without you. Your challenge is to harness this employee-led innovation across myriad new marketing channels. Start by understanding what the HEROes in your marketing organization are doing. The report below highlights the challenges and the opportunities that will help you find and marshal the force of your marketing HEROes.

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