Best Practice Report

Match Mobile Channel Capabilities To Customer Goals

Grading Six Essential Capabilities Of Mobile Data Channels

January 24th, 2007
Vidya Drego, null
Vidya Drego
With contributors:
Moira Dorsey , Steven Geller


As the number of standard mobile phone features grows, so does the number of touchpoints companies can use to interact with their end users. But even though cell phones that are capable of accessing mobile data channels like the mobile Web, SMS, and MMS are becoming the norm, adoption of these channels among North American consumers is low. The problem? Mobile channels have strengths and weaknesses in terms of their inherent capabilities for supporting different types of user goals. To design mobile data channels that support user — and business — goals, companies must start by understanding the capabilities of mobile data channels and the goals users want to accomplish, and then focus mobile projects on the user goals that different mobile channels are best-suited to support.

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