Trends Report

More Engineering, Less Dogma: The Path Toward Continuous Delivery Of Business Value

October 18th, 2013
Kurt Bittner, null
Kurt Bittner
With contributors:
Phil Murphy , Dominique Whittaker


Continuous delivery of business value has moved from dream to competitive differentiator to table stakes for organizations like, Etsy, and Google. The vast majority of other organizations, however, face a great gulf to cross and no bridge in sight. They've been down this path before: The magic methodology that promises effortless transformation eventually fails to change the game substantially enough, but only after millions spent and precious opportunities lost. The success patterns of leading companies point to a way forward that provides benefits at each step along the way. Not every organization needs to deliver at a truly continuous rate, but being able to release when the business needs it, instead of being throttled by bottlenecks in the deployment pipeline, benefits every organization.

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