Trends Report

Multichannel Home Lending Status Boosts Results

eBusiness Professionals Must Integrate Mobile Into Loan Processes

November 13th, 2012
Tiffani Montez, null
Tiffani Montez
With contributors:
Carrie Johnson , Douglas Roberge , Catherine Graeber


As customers become more comfortable with research and applying for financial products through mobile devices, eBusiness professionals at banks will need to consider how mobile can support application status capabilities. With the high cost to process loan and line applications, it is imperative that banks cultivate opportunities with qualified applicants to increase application conversation rates. While most banks plan to use mobile devices for sales, service, and lead management, few have considered how they can support providing application status through a mobile device. This document outlines how eBusiness professionals can leverage mobile to capture business benefits throughout the loan application process, including shortened application processes, increased booked accounts, and reduced overall costs to process applications.

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