Trends Report

Navigate The SaaS Implementation Partner Landscape

SI Overview For, Workday, Google, And Other SaaS Integration Options

August 24th, 2012
With contributors:
Christopher Andrews , Ben Jennings


Organizations use software-as-a-service (SaaS) across more and more areas of their enterprise applications landscape — from customer relationship management (CRM) to human capital management (HCM) to IT applications and collaboration tools. These SaaS applications are growing in complexity, and organizations are expanding their usage across wider populations within and outside of the enterprise (to include partners and customers as well as employees). With SaaS becoming a more critical component of enterprise technology, organizations are facing challenges on best practices for deployment, business process design, customization, integration, and change management. To get the most value out of SaaS and ensure success, many are turning toward a fast-growing ecosystem of SaaS services providers for help. This report discusses the current state of the SaaS services providers' landscape, which is focused on implementation of, Workday, Google, and Microsoft.

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