Landscape Report

New Tech: Decentralized Digital Identity (DDID), Q1 2020

Forrester's Landscape Overview Of 21 Providers

January 2nd, 2020
Fatemeh Khatibloo, null
Fatemeh Khatibloo
With contributors:
Merritt Maxim , Patrick Carroll , Peggy Dostie


Today's digital identity frameworks are centralized, suffer from a lack of trust, aren't portable, and don't give consumers control. As the boundary between physical and digital interactions becomes indistinguishable, new models are emerging to solve these issues. This report presents an overview of the nascent decentralized digital identity ecosystem, a category segmentation, and an overview of the key vendors in this emerging market. CIOs should use this report to understand major market segments and to inform their innovation and R&D strategy for digital identity.

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This report is available for individual purchase ($2995).

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