Landscape Report

New Tech: Medical Device Security, Q1 2020

Forrester's Landscape Overview Of 19 Providers

March 23rd, 2020
Chris Sherman, null
Chris Sherman
Elsa Pikulik, null
Elsa Pikulik
With contributors:
Merritt Maxim , Benjamin Corey , Peggy Dostie


Connected medical devices are an integral part of modern healthcare providers, but security teams at those organizations struggle to understand and mitigate connected medical devices directly involved in patient care. This report provides an overview of the vendors providing security tools for medical device manufacturers and buyers, category segmentations, and an overview of the key vendors in this emerging market. S&R pros at device manufacturers and healthcare providers should read this report for a deeper understanding of the vendors directly impacting this emerging space.

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This report is available for individual purchase ($2995).

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