Trends Report

Objectives: The Key To Succeeding With A Mobile Marketing Channel Strategy

April 15th, 2011
Melissa Parrish, null
Melissa Parrish
With contributors:
Emily Riley , Sarah Glass , Angie Polanco , Jennifer Wise


The personal nature of mobile devices creates a deeper, more-connected bond between marketer and consumer, which requires a new approach to traditional marketing objectives. Marketers looking to reach the mobile consumer must re-conceive branding and direct response goals as acquaintanceship, friendship, camaraderie, and confidence. Forrester's POST (people, objectives, strategy, technology) methodology will help keep marketers on track to execute against these relationship-changing objectives. The POST framework will guide marketers through understanding how and why their audiences turn to mobile devices; choosing their objectives by determining the kind of relationship they want to have with their customers; defining their strategies based on objectives, scale, and personnel requirements; and, finally, selecting the right technologies to achieve their goals. For Forrester's updated framework as well as more recent information and examples, please see "Craft a Maturity-Based Mobile Strategy," published on December 5, 2012.

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