Trends Report

Online Customer Service Functionality Benchmark: US Airlines

The Best And Worst Of Online Customer Service Among The Top Four US Airlines

February 28th, 2012
Diane Clarkson, null
Diane Clarkson
With contributors:
Lily Varon , Zia Daniell Wigder


Forrester evaluated the online customer service offerings of the four largest US airlines: Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and American Airlines. Our analysis uncovered a few strengths, such as Southwest's intuitive contact us page and American's and Delta's speedy customer service responses on Twitter. However, overall the airlines we evaluated were plagued by issues including a lack of contextual help, limited online self-service functionality, and usability issues. To improve online customer service, airline eBusiness professionals should focus on improving self-service content and consider extending online customer service technologies to include virtual agents and proactive live help.

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