Trends Report

Organize The Chaos Of Cloud With A Realistic And Effective Strategy

April 24th, 2015
With contributors:
Glenn O'Donnell , Dave Bartoletti , John Rymer , Michael Caputo , Vanessa Wegner , Megan Doerr


Developing a realistic and achievable cloud strategy is far from easy. Organizations can't always start at square one when creating a cloud strategy, since most already make use of cloud in a variety of contexts. Cloud is not just one thing. Different cloud models like software-as-a-service (SaaS) and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) have very different dynamics and implications for the business enterprise. The cloud ecosystem also consists of numerous constituencies, which are only now beginning to coalesce into a coherent governance structure. This report focuses on those elements of planning that are most conducive to maximizing the success of your cloud-centric technology ecosystem. Part of this transition will be redefining roles to embrace the expectations set by the business while learning how to deliver the right support and service to your business customers. Mastering this will require making a current assessment, navigating through people and process challenges, balancing current priorities, and managing relationships across a plethora of new and old vendor types.

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