Best Practice Report

Outsourcing Contact Centers: Protect Your Customers' Experience Upfront

They Are Still Your Customers, So Don't Let An Outsourcer Drive Them Away

May 8th, 2007
Elizabeth Herrell
With contributors:
Simon Yates , Christine Atwood


When considering outsourcing agreements for contact centers, it is especially important to develop contract terms and conditions that reflect your operational requirements to ensure that customer service supports your company's objectives. For many global outsourcers, service-level agreements and performance metrics are standard, but at smaller firms, it is often necessary to clearly specify your company's requirements. Most organizations already have a standard technical support contract, but they typically lack the detailed requirements essential for customer care outsourcing. Additionally, customer support organizations need to avoid generic, lightweight contracts offered by outsourcers and write specific terms and conditions to protect their customers. To ensure quality support, outsourcing contact center agreements need to include reporting metrics, system availability and security requirements, redundancy clauses, customer satisfaction scores, and staffing and training requirements. Customer service directors who develop comprehensive clauses in their outsourcing contract are less likely to experience disappointing performance from their outsourcing partners.

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